Friday, June 30, 2017

Upon Reflection

Upon Reflection, 2017
Minneapolis, MN
Black and White Photography
30.5 cm x 30.5cm

This one was a bit tricky.  Light was mid/late afternoon sun (clear sky).  Used green filter to lighten the leaves as I wanted, but deep shadows were problematic (whole scene was shadowed actually) with tree farthest left set at zone 7(ish) and exposure with Ilford Delta 100 was 3 minutes...Overall, ok with results from single exposure.  Developed with Rodinal (11 minutes) and fixed with Photographer's Formulary TF-4 for 6 1/2 minutes.

Captured scene with Hasselblad 500c using 80mm lens at f/22 on tripod with shutter release cable.  Filter and adapter was by Cokin.  Used iPhone app MyLightMeterPro to measure lightening, which worked well.

#hasselblad500c #ilforddelta100 #cokinfilters #mylightmeterpro #photographersformulary #rodinal #blackandwhitephotogrpahy

Friday, March 3, 2017


lily, 2017
Black and White Photography
30.5cm x 30.5cm

Description: When you see something beautiful you share it...

Sony Alpha35, 50mm, ISO1600, f/2.0, 1/10

Technically, I photographed this peace lily early last year with my now retired Sony Alpha35 and minolta 50mm f/1.7 prime lens (loved this lens worked great and cheap too!).  It was a simple black and white study of composition, tone, etc. Going over my films early last week I came across it and with some very minor adjustment formed this delicate image.

#sonyalpha35 #blackandwhitephotography 
Mist and Leaves, 2016
Turtle Lake, WI
Black and White Photography
30.5cm x 30.5cm

Description: The delicate beauty of autumn leaves over a misty lake on a fall morning

Yashica MAT124g, 80mm, Ilford Delta100, f/3.5, 1/125, 10', orange filter

Photographed from the shores of Upper Turtle Lake toward the end of the peak autumn foliage.  The fog over the lake was thick as pea soup and offered a perfect backdrop.

Camera was set up on a tripod and a shutter release cable with timer active used to maximize sharpness.

The light measurements were taken from both the camera and the iPhone app MyLightMeter which work extremely well once you become familiar with it...

#yashicamat124g #ilforddelta100 #mylightmeter


Fissure, 2017
Fort Snelling, MN
Black and White Photography
30.5cm x 30.5cm

Description: The crack that formed grew wider and deeper...

Hasselblad 500c, 80mm, Ilford Delta100, f/11, 1/500, 5'

This was photographed on Witatanka (Pike Island) located at the confluence of the Minnesota and Mississippi River's.  It's a beautiful location with plenty of gorgeous scenery, including eagles nests.  Definitely worth the trip.

This was taken with a tripod, lens hood and shutter release cable.  The mirror was locked up prior to taking photographs to maximize sharpness on the negative.

Exposure setting was determined using the iPhone app MyLight Meter, which works extremely well once you are familiar with far much cheaper than having to purchase a Pentax 1˚ spot meter that's for sure!

#hasselblad500c #ilforddelta100 #blackandwhitephotography #mylightmeter